
粵語堂一週通訊 (week 12/13-19)


奧斯汀華人教會  粵語堂一週通訊





Worship that pleases God
The Heart of Worship is surrender.  Get close to God and God will get close to you.  What usually happens during Sunday worship?  Turn on the computer, sing to videos, Sermon, announcements, closing prayer and switch to something else online.  We do that every week. 
Are you happy with this?  Do you want more or less?  Do you feel obligated to do this every Sunday?  If you have the freedom, would you do something else?  Did you get the sense that you did something to please God?  Why can’t I worship God in the golf course while playing golf under this beautiful view and listen to the sermon online?   Can I worship God in my garage sale?
What is the right way to worship?
Read Mark 12:30  - Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.
What does that mean?  God wants all of you not the left overs.  Not time and money that you have extra.
  1. Accurate – most Christian do not know how many books are in the bible.  Is the book of Jezreel in the NT or OT?  Biblical knowledge in today’s Christian is very bad.  In fact, you can say that Jesus said, “never throw salt on your shoulders” and most church goers think this is true. 
        We need to know the God we are worshiping.  It is like buying a BMW on eBay without asking the color of the car.  We need to know if the church we are worshiping is a biblical church.  Many people join a cult without knowing it.
  1. Authentic – we say a lot of things during our worship services.  There are a lot of standard cliché like “Praise the Lord”, “O come let us worship”, “Trust in Him”.  “Love God with all your heart and soul”, can’t do that if you are not authentic.  Can’t worship if you are just putting an image and make sure people approve of you.   You need to be authentic of who you are and your relationship with God.
      Worship needs to engage our emotions.  Worship is not a musical concert.  Worship is not talking psychology, EQ or how to deal with your mother in law.
  1. Thoughtful – “love God with all your mind”, many Christians come to church with their minds on … cars, movies, computers, food, party.  We shut down brains to God.
  2. Practical – you need to participate.  What did you do today to participate in worship?  Worship should cost us something and it should take effort and energy; otherwise, it is just cheap.

願意大家參與2020全球華人差傳大會。12/28-30在網絡線上舉行!大會活動時間將會在德州時間傍晚五時後舉行。與實體一樣設有中文和英文節目,也有青少年及兒童節目,適合全家人。詳情請到 https://www.cmcglobal-afc.org/zh。在12/7(週一)以前註册: 每個註冊單位10元 (成人和青少年);以後25元。請把握時機。




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