
長青團契特别聚會 (使徒保羅, 約翰腳蹤之旅)

日期:   Sunday, 4/19/2015
時間:   12:45PM - 3:00PM
地點:   Portable building
講員:   Nelson, Joseph and Alison

土耳其和希臘舊城市考古遺址相關歷史文化的故事電影(1小時20分鐘)使徒保羅和約翰在使徒行傳保羅書信啟示錄提及的相關背境如果您想參加長青團契吃午飯請聯繫Roland <pang.roland@gmail.com>

An overview videos (1h 20 min) about the old cities/archeology ruins/related history/cultural stories in Turkey and Greece that the Apostle Paul and John visited and wrote about in the book of Acts and the Epistles including Revelation. Please contact Roland if you would like to join Evergreen for lunch.