
明道樓獻堂禮 Dedication of Ming Dao Building

教會將在本週六 (3/7) 下午 4:30 舉行明道樓獻堂禮, 典禮後有晚餐供應, 晚餐在扣除教會補助後每份五元, 請大家踴躍出席。同時,我們還需要兩位粵語堂弟兄姊妹幫助本次活動,請按此鏈接

The dedication of Ming Dao Building will be on 3/7 Saturday at 4:30pm, followed by dinner at 6pm.  Each dinner ticket is $5.  Meanwhile, we are still looking for 2 volunteers from the Cantonese congregation to help out, please click this link to sign-up.