
歡迎周啟諾傳道及家人 Welcome Minister Enoch Chow and Family

Praise the Lord!  Minister Enoch Chow will begin his ministry at ACC as Cantonese Pastor.  Welcome Minister Enoch and family to our ACC family!

明道樓獻堂禮 The Dedication Ceremony of Ming Dao Building

感謝讚美主!我們在上周末的新堂奉獻禮和建堂 33 週年慶祝舉辦非常完滿。願所有的榮耀歸給神!通過此鏈接可以重看明道樓奉獻禮。
Praise the Lord!  Our dedication ceremony and celebration of the 33rd anniversary went smoothly last weekend.  May all the glory to our God!  You may view the dedication ceremony via this link.

強身健體團契樂 Workout & Game Fun

2015年粵語團契強身健體團契樂,將於三月廿八日在Morrison hall。 請按這鏈接註冊晚餐及花卉佈置。
Cantonese Joint Fellowship, Workout and Game Fun, will be on 3/28 at Morrison hall.  Activities begin at 2:00 pm, dinner begins at 6:00 pm.  Please RSVP for dinner and floral arrangement activity via this link.  


2015年粵語學生團契退修會 CSF Retreat

見主榮光  榮上加榮

收費     學生: $20.00;  就業生: $35.00
聯絡 512-670-6191        chow.stan@gmail.com

粵語堂聯合禱告會 Canto Combined Prayer Meeting 3/4/15

粵語堂每月一次的聯合禱告會將於本週三, 3/4/15,8:00 PM Morrison hall, 鼓勵弟兄姊妹參加。

Cantonese combined prayer meeting is this Wednesday, 3/4/15, 8:00 PM at Morrison hall.  Encourage brothers and sisters to participate.

明道樓獻堂禮 Dedication of Ming Dao Building

教會將在本週六 (3/7) 下午 4:30 舉行明道樓獻堂禮, 典禮後有晚餐供應, 晚餐在扣除教會補助後每份五元, 請大家踴躍出席。同時,我們還需要兩位粵語堂弟兄姊妹幫助本次活動,請按此鏈接

The dedication of Ming Dao Building will be on 3/7 Saturday at 4:30pm, followed by dinner at 6pm.  Each dinner ticket is $5.  Meanwhile, we are still looking for 2 volunteers from the Cantonese congregation to help out, please click this link to sign-up.