
10-31-2013 Weekly E-News


Sun, Nov 3
Combined Worship Service (Cantonese and Mandarin)
Taylor Hall at 11:00am
Seahawk Lun

Sun, Nov 3
Prospective Member Class
Interested parties may contact Bernard Ku.
Special Annoucement regarding the Parking Lot
The back part of the west parking lot will be blocked off in preparation for next week's paving. Therefore this weekend we will be very tight on parking situation.
Please take advantage of the nicely paved elementary school parking lots. Note that there is an elementary parking lot accessible from Braker Lane immediately before reaching the Carey (youth) building parking lot.  It is a nice easy walk across the bridge through north campus. 

Sat, Nov 9
Thanksgiving Cantonese Fellowship
Dinner will be provided.
Nov 10

Nov 17
Flu Shot Clinic by Walgreens. They will charge $26 cash, unless you bring proof of medical insurance.

希 伯 來 書 11

人 非 有 信 , 就 不 能 得 神 的 喜 悅 ; 因 為 到 神 面 前 來 的 人 必 須 信 有 神 , 且 信 他 賞 賜 那 尋 求 他 的 人 。

Prayer items
Every Wednesday at 8pm -- Weekly District Prayer Meeting in three different locations around town.
  • Praise the Lord for last weekend's Cantonese Retreat and for Rev. Seahawk's

  • Pray for smooth process of paving the church parking lot this coming week.
  • 2014 Deacon Nominations
  • Baptism in Nov 10.  Pray for our baptismal candidates.

ACC Mission
