Mission Conference is on Oct 20-21.
Don't miss this gathering. Our special speaker Rev. Wilson Tsoi will be sharing with us.
We have ordered delicious meal cooked by Chef Wong. Come and fellowship with everyone.
It's been such a long time since we have had Cantonese Fellowship gathering. It'll be a great reunion.
We will be in Morrison Hall.
Sat, Oct 20, 6:00pm Dinner will be available for purchase. Adults $4; Chldren 12 and under are $2.
7:00pm Meeting starts
Sun, 11:00am in Sunday Worship
Our speaker is 蔡偉成牧師.
另外,教会長執会已经通过了2013宣教預算 $207,142, 請禱告後參與認獻及短宣等宣教事工。
Register here for the Children's Mission Conference