
粵語聯合禱告會 Canto Combined Prayer Meeting 10/05/16


Cantonese combined prayer meeting will be on Wednesday, 10/5/16, 8:00 pm at Portable A01, please make time to join.


弟兄事工分享工作坊 Men's Ministry Sharing 09/10/16

張文傳牧師將於九月十日下午四時在 A01 帶領弟兄事工分享工作坊,鼓勵弟兄們出席,了解弟兄的需求以及如何服事他們。

Rev. Edmond Cheung will lead a men’s ministry workshop on Saturday, 9/10, 4:00 pm at Portable A01. Welcome brothers to attend and learn about the needs of men’s ministry.