
粵語聯合禱告會 Canto Combined Prayer Meeting 09/07/16


Cantonese combined prayer meeting will be on Wednesday, 9/7/16, 8:00 pm at Portable A01, please make time to join.


語言奇趣分享 :“輕輕鬆鬆學習希伯來語" 10/27-29

趙璧礎博士主講『輕輕鬆鬆學習希伯來語』﹐ 粵語教授﹐共三課﹕ 10/27-28 7:30-9:30pm, 10/29 9:30-11:30am。詳情請看海報。名額有限﹐有興趣者請跟李趙仕珮姊妹報名。​現在開始接受網上報名  http://bit.do/acchebrew


二零一六年粵語部成人主日學秋季課程 2016 Fall Canto Sunday School

二零一六年粵語部成人主日學秋季課程有創世記 1-11,約翰福音及培養出有韌性的子女:運用六A的管教原則

Cantonese Sunday school 2016 Fall quarter offers the below classes:  the Book of Genesis (1-11), the Gospel of John, and Raising Resilient Kids by Applying the Six A Principles. Please make time to join and learn with us. Please click this link to register.

中秋節特備節目:月是故鄉明 Joint Fellowship 9/10/16


There will be a celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival joint fellowship on Saturday, September 10, 6:00 pm.  Please invite new friends to join.  Please click this link to RSVP dinner.