Here is what we watched.
3-22-2014 Canto Weekly
Weekly E-News for our Cantonese Congregation
以愛相繋,建造榮耀神的教會 "Building for His Glory"
教會 2014的主題是 “建造榮耀神的教會”
What's coming ...
9:30am Sunday School Spring Quarter
11:00am Sunday Worship Service
March 23
Rev. Tony Hsu, our Mandarin Pastor, will be our guest speaker.
Coming in April ------
April 5
Cantonese Fellowship Sports Day
2:30pm-6pm Fun activities for the whole family
6:00pm-7:30pm Dinner and fellowship sharing
April 6
We your help with the Lunch Fundraiser.
Please sign up for at this link.
April 18
Churchwide Good Friday Service
April 25-26
Parenting Chinese Children in America
Friday, April 25th: 7:30pm: Session 1
Saturday, April 26th: 10:00am: Session 2
Saturday, April 26th: 11:30am: Lunch and small group conversation
Saturday, April 26th: 1:30pm: Session 3 and Q&A
the date for a very special opportunity! Rev. Steven Chin from Boston
Chinese Evangelical Church will be coming to share with us the
principles from his book (will be published in the future) on parenting
American Born Chinese.
Steven J. Chin is the Senior Pastor at the Boston Chinese Evangelical Church, the largest Asian church in New England with over 1100 adults meeting in seven worship services using English, Cantonese, and Mandarin. He is a graduate of New York University, Polytechnic University, and Dallas Theological Seminary. A Boston native, Steven has been married to Nancy since 1976. They have two adult children, Stefanie and Matthew, and a granddaughter, Madison. He enjoys playing basketball and following the Celtics, Patriots, and the Red Sox.
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Bible Passage of the Week
提 摩 太 前 書 6:6-10
Chinese Union Version (Traditional) (CUV)
6 然 而 , 敬 虔 加 上 知 足 的 心 便 是 大 利 了 ;
7 因 為 我 們 沒 有 帶 甚 麼 到 世 上 來 , 也 不 能 帶 甚 麼 去 。
8 只 要 有 衣 有 食 , 就 當 知 足 。
9 但 那 些 想 要 發 財 的 人 , 就 陷 在 迷 惑 、 落 在 網 羅 和 許 多 無 知 有 害 的 私 慾 裡 , 叫 人 沉 在 敗 壞 和 滅 亡 中 。
10 貪 財 是 萬 惡 之 根 。 有 人 貪 戀 錢 財 , 就 被 引 誘 離 了 真 道 , 用 許 多 愁 苦 把 自 己 刺 透 了 。
Praise and Prayer items
Pray for the new sanctuary construction. Praise the Lord! As of Sun, 3/16/2014, we still need $267,774.45 of the total $750,000. Together We Build, Together We Pray, and Together We Grow.
Pray to God to provide ACC with a new Cantonese Pastor and Youth Pastor.
Pray for Pastor Stanley on sabbatical. May the Lord bless him and Virginia.
Cantonese Weekly E-News
Time change this week!
Don’t forget to set your clocks ahead one hour Saturday night.
March 9
羅葦園牧師 of Grace Chapel 救恩堂 in Houston will be our guest speaker.
March 11
Spring Break for the Tuesday Ladies Fellowship - no meeting
March 16
Churchwide Prayer Meeting for the new sanctuary. 12:45pm
Coming in April ------
April 18
Churchwide Good Friday Service, 7:30pm
"10 Principles for Parenting American Born Chinese"
Friday, April 25th: 7:30pm: Session 1
Saturday, April 26th: 10:00am: Session 2
Saturday, April 26th: 11:30am: Lunch and small group conversation
Saturday, April 26th: 1:30pm: Session 3 and Q&A
Seminar will be conducted in English. There will be Mandarin Translation on Friday.
the date for a very special opportunity! Rev. Steven Chin from Boston
Chinese Evangelical Church will be coming to share with us the
principles from his book (will be published in the future) on parenting
American Born Chinese.
新年新心, 見證主愛 Feb Cantonese Fellowship Meeting
Cantonese Fellowship is hosting a Valentines Day and Chinese New Year Celebration
Feb 8, 6 - 9pm, Adults (13 and older) $7, Children (ages 5-12) $5, Children under 5 is free. Tickets sales available until Sunday, 2/1.
Price includes a delicious Chinese meal.
Kindly respond to your Small Group Leader in regards to the Wedding Vow Renewal Ceremony and Wedding picture submission. Price includes a delicious Chinese meal.