受難節(3/29週五)晚上 7:30崇拜,請預留時間參加。
Friday, 3/29, 7:30pm in Morrison Hall Service is designed for the entire family to attend together. |
Good Friday Service
Set Your Clocks Ahead
March Cantonese Fellowship
Sat, March 9
Cantonese Fellowship
Dinner will be served at 6pm.
Click here to RSVP.
Topic for fellowship is
未雨綢繆 - plan for a good steward. We will have discussion and sharing on the planning for the future.
Hope to see you then.
Cantonese Fellowship
Dinner will be served at 6pm.
Click here to RSVP.
Topic for fellowship is
未雨綢繆 - plan for a good steward. We will have discussion and sharing on the planning for the future.
Hope to see you then.