
Winter Quarter Sunday School 冬季課程

2012 年冬季課程

日期及時間 : 十二月至明年二月,
每主日早上 9:30 至 10:45 (9:30前薄備茶點)
地點 : Portable / 活動教室

The Winter Quarter runs from Dec through Feb.
Class descriptions are below.
2012 年秋季課程報名 Click here to register online.


1. 課程:雅歌 Song of Songs


 課程簡介: 雅歌在整本聖經中被認為是最難明白的一卷書。由於書中有許多難解的字及不確定的結構或段落;更加上書中對男女相愛之事描述得相當透視,以致歷代保守之士無 法接受,而不得不把它加以寓意化,令雅歌被人認為是一卷「在舊約中最含糊難解的書」。 其實雅歌是所羅門被聖靈引導寫下的一篇詩歌,以極華麗,極優美的東方文體來表達男女之間的愛情,希伯來文稱之為「歌中之歌」。從雅歌我們可以看到,神非常 重視夫妻之間的愛,包括性愛。人必須有愛,人生才有滿足與喜樂。愛是一種出於決心的委身(Commitment),也是一種學習。婚姻需要經營,沒有天賜 良緣,不是結婚後就永遠會快快樂樂地過日子,而是需要不斷地溝通、協調、瞭解,才能夠達到雅歌所描寫的真愛的最高境界。無論你目前的婚姻是美滿、是困惑、 是破碎、或是你正在想要結婚,你都可以從參與研讀雅歌中得到鼓勵、幫助、重建、或作好準備,去享受神要賜給你在婚姻中的至高福氣,達成神創造婚姻的目的, 榮耀神。

2. 課程: 舊約中的彌賽亞 The Messiah in the Old Testament 


課程簡介: 聖經有很多不同的預言,本課程會集中在主耶穌是聖經所預言的彌賽亞這一個重要的主題上,一同分享舊約中這個主題的不斷發展,由摩西五經、大衛王朝、詩篇、 直到先知書,以及在新約所記載著耶穌如何應驗舊約的預言,堅固我們對聖經無誤的認知,亦提醒我們聖經對末世預言的真確性,使我們更明白神的救贖計劃,更能 體驗衪的愛。 本課程將會使用華德.凱瑟 (Walter C. Kaiser, Jr.) 所著“舊約中的彌賽亞”(The Messiah in the Old Testament) 一書。

3. 課程: 系統神學系列之四 Systematic Theology 


 課程簡介: 本課程將研讀人類學,內容包括人類的起源,聖經創造論及跟其他宇宙論的對比,人因有上帝的形象而有的獨特性、普遍性和尊嚴,人的物質和非物質方面﹐人靈魂 的來源,人性與行為,罪的起源,人的墮落﹐原罪與本罪,邪惡的難題,罪的蔓延,罪的性質,罪的約制,人類的盼望。


Christopher Yuan Visits ACC

Christopher Yuan and his parents, Leon and Angela Yuan were at Austin Chinese Church the weekend of Oct 12-14, 2012.
The sessions were recorded.

Homosexuality: Nature or Nurture?
Christopher Yuan

Austin Chinese Church
Saturday, October 13, 2012 
English only (no translation)
Handout available at http://yuan2.us/nn

What are the root causes of homosexuality? Are people born gay? There are two camps, nature (biological) and nurture (environmental), and both claim to be right—with science to back them up. With his background in the medical field, Christopher reviews the scientific studies on the etiology of homosexuality bringing clarity on this controversial and divisive topic.

Texts and Hermeneutics
Christopher Yuan
Austin Chinese Church
October 13, 2012
English only (no translation)

Handout available at http://yuan2.us/th

There are six passages in Scripture which touch on the issue of homosexuality. Traditional interpretation of these texts condemns any sex outside of marriage between a husband and wife. And yet some claim that the Bible does not condemn homosexuality. So what does the Bible really say? With a solid background in biblical exegesis—knowing both Hebrew and Greek—Christopher presents and analyzes the gay-affirming interpretations of Old Testament and New Testament passages on homosexuality with clarity and compassion.

Ordinary Parents, Extraordinary Father
Leon and Angela Yuan
Austin Chinese Church
October 13, 2012
Mandarin only (no translation)

Christopher Yuan, the son of Chinese immigrants, discovered at an early age that he was different. He was attracted to other boys. As he grew into adulthood, his mother, Angela, hoped to control the situation. Instead, she found that her son and her life were spiraling out of control—and her own personal demons were determined to defeat her. Years of heartbreak, confusion, and prayer followed before the Yuans found a place of complete surrender, which is God’s desire for all families. Their amazing story, told from the perspectives of father, mother and son, offers hope for anyone going through the trials of life.



Cantonese Fellowship Annual Thanksgiving Gathering.

Cantonese Fellowship Annual Thanksgiving Gathering.

Sat, Nov 24.  Let us give thanks to the Lord!
Dinner will be provided and served at 6pm.
Come fellowship and share and give thanks!

Please RSVP by Nov 19.
Click here to RSVP.