
粵語堂崇拜及成人主日學課室調動 11/29/15 - 12/13/15


Morrison worship hall will be undergoing renovation from 11/23 to 12/19.Cantonese worship will be at John Sung building on 11/29, 12/6, and 12/13 at 11:00 am.  Cantonese adult Sunday school Proverbs class will be at John Sung building on 11/29 at 9:30 am.  Sorry for the inconvenience caused by the construction. 

粵語聯合禱告會 Canto Combined Prayer Meeting 12/2/15


Cantonese combined prayer meeting will be on Wednesday, 12/2/15, 8:00 pm at Portable A01, please make time to join.


聖誕晚會 12/12/15

本年聖誕晚會將於星期六,十二月十二日,七時, 在明道樓舉行。請邀請朋友一起慶祝我們主基督耶穌的誕生。

We will have our annual Christmas Celebration on Saturday, 12/12, 7 PM, at Ming Dao.  Please invite friends to join us celebrate the birth of Christ our Lord.


二零一五年粵語部成人主日學冬季課程 2015 Cantonese Winter Quarter Sunday School


Cantonese Sunday school 2015 winter quarter offers the below classes:  Walk Through the Old Testament, 1, 2, 3 John, and Christian Ethics. Please make time to join and learn with us. Please click this link to register.